This long hair journey was started out of curiosity. Now I must say, I’m taking it much more seriously than when I conceived the idea and really delighted at the followers I have on my blog and facebook page so far. I look forward to writing posts and reading comments on them. Thanks to you all for You, my dear reader, are my biggest inspiration!!
Fellow blogger, Lydz (
http://crowningglorymine.blogspot.com) nominated me for a Liebster Award!! Woooooooooooooooooow!! (My soul is dancing happily). I’m jumping up and down inside.....Thaaaaaanks!
How the Liebster Award works:
1. Each person must post 11 random things about themselves (optional)
2. Answer the 11 questions that the tagger set for you.
3. Choose 11 bloggers who you would like to give the Liebster Award.
4. Create 11 questions for the bloggers you have tagged with the award to answer.
Random stuff about me:
1. I love the Lord with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my might!!
2. I love my neighbor as much as myself but when my neighbor stabs me in the back, hey; I gotta watch my back cos it still hurts…lol!
3. I love my family…………..I love my kid(s)!! They are my world!! What makes me smile broadest at anytime is my 2 year old girl happily singing the National Anthem!!
4. I love singing…..I miss being a chorister but haven’t given up hopes of joining a choir again someday.
5. I love my job. It gives me inner peace and joy.
6. I hate soups……………as much as I love to eat healthily, I am only able to enjoy one kind of soup. Light soup….lol!
7. I’ve always loved everything about the beauty industry…hair care, skin care, body care,fashion etc etc. I can sew my own clothes as well as for others, do my own hair as well as for others. I’m keen of developing these talents into my own businesses very soon. Equipped a small salon already!! Fingers-crossed!
8. I’m not an outgoing person or adventurous …I’d rather stay glued to the TV or sleeeeeeeeeep!!
9. I’m afraid of heights and crossing roads!! Yes…I look left, then right, then left, then right, then left…hahahah!!
10. I love travelling…… (afraid of heights and roads?)…..Hhhahahhha!! Well, no other way to travel around!
11. I love myself ……………won’t change a thing!! I’m blessed and highly favored. I’m UNIQUE!!
And Lydz’s questions for me;
1. Chocolate or vanilla? Don’t have a sweet tooth and can go years without both....lol! But vanilla it is.
2. Swim or gym? Swim. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh, love the idea of a gym but have never gotten to the task.
3.Flats or heels? Heels....on someone else! Looks stunning but haven’t worn one in maybe 2 years?
4. Silver or Gold? Gold...... when it comes to matching jewellery with hubby, I go with silver. I let him win.
5. Flat iron or roller setting? Roller setting... never liked the idea of flat ironing even before my hair journey.
6. Weaves or wigs? Weaves....gives me that sense of low manipulation though I was and m&s very often.
7. Facebook or twitter? Facebook..........haven’t even checked twitter out before!!
8. Fruit salad or fruit juice? Fruit salad! Fruit salad! Fruit salad! Juice seems like drinking fruit soup to me..lol!!
9. If you had to be a vegetarian which protein would you miss beef, poultry or seafood? Poultry...most def!
10. Three famous people either fictional or real you would love to meet? Hmm...that’s a hard one! No one comes to mind.
11. What’s your favourite natural oil? I loooooooooooooooooove castor oil!
Got nominated by Jo Minta of (http://www.beautywithjocel.com) as well.
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks Jo. You're awesome!!
Jo's Questions and my answers:
1.What's your favourite hairstyle? I love tree braids.
2. What's your hair length? Almost shoulder length.
Which do you prefer? Denman brush or fingers for detangling? Haven't
found a good brush yet so finger detangling mostly for now.
4. Puff or bun? Buns but if i go natural one day, would surely prefer the puff.
5.What's your hair goal? Waist Length......lol!!
6. Which do you prefer? Vlogging or blogging? Blogging for now.
7. What's your best hair moment? Still yet to come....it will be when i reach my Waist Length goal.
8. Facebook or Google+? Facebook.
9. Twists or Twists Outs? Twists.
10. Flat Twists or Corn Roll? Corn roll.
11. How is your journey in one word? Revealing!!
Most bloggers I know and follow have already been nominated except for the following:
1. Abena Nyarkoaa from (
2. Dabs from (
3. Dr Fomsky from (
4. Jeni from (
5. Jo Eva (
6. Nikki from (
7. EbonyCPrincess from (
8. Annette from (
9. AfroDiva Nally from (
Here come my questions:
1. Why bother about your hair at all?
2. In your family, who is your number 1 fan?
3. How much time do you spend on your hair in a day?
4. How many hair products do you have in all right now? Want more?
5. If you had to choose, will you rather make-up or style your hair for an evening out?
6. Natural home-made hair recipes or store-bought products?
7. How many times do you conditioner wash in a week?
8. Current hair length from past hair length and how long it took you to get it?
9. If you had a daughter, would you relax her hair before she is 12 years of age?
10. What hairstyle do you wear most?
11. If changing your country could change your hair type, where would you rather be from?
The Liebster Award is awarded to new and old bloggers to help increase followers/readers, to support them and encourage them to keep on blogging and they in turn nominate other bloggers for the same award kind of like creating networks. Let’s keep this going!!