One of the best products I have used for my hair and totally keep as number one on my product wishlist is T444Z Hair Food. I read about this product on a blog about a year ago when I was desperately hunting for products that could grow my hair in record time as I had a cut from shoulder length to neck length. I needed to hide my hair and grow it out real fast because I had no style ideas for short hair as I had been stuck at shoulder length for years and that was my comfort zone. Being at neck length left me feeling insecure about my hair...totally vulnerable and huge feeling of nakedness. Yes, I felt naked somehow.
I decided to find more reviews online and was amazed at how much people loved the product. I got in touch with someone in the UK who agreed to send one her sister in Nigeria for me. Some great friends brought it to me here in Ghana as I had already left Lagos by the time it arrived. I read the label, smelt and felt the contents of the small jar; and that was where our love started.

Let's check out the
ingredient list: Aloe, Herbal extract, Rose oil, Chamomile, Menthol, Rosemary Leaf Extract, Castor Oil, Peppermint, Papaya Extracts, Vitamin A, Carrot Extracts, Shea Butter and Essential Oils.
Promises: For massive hair growth, volume and thickness. Repairs hair line, stops balding, dandruff, scalp dryness, itchiness and hair loss.
Directions: Wash your hair and dry it thoroughly. Apply T444Z massaging into the scalp. Apply to the whole head once a week. For damaged areas such as bald patches and hair line, apply daily.
My first impressions: This product comes in a small jar and weighs 150 grams. Having checked out what a 150 gram jar looked like already, the size did not surprise me when I received it. My friends thought I was kidding to still want it at a price of 5000 naira ($30) when they got to the agent and saw the size. For the price, they thought they were going to buy something real big....hhahhahahhaha!!
1. It is all natural: 100% pure and natural. It is not easy to come by products which contain only natural ingredients which are all great for promoting hair health, growth, strength and thickness.
2. It is very fast and effective: Within a month of using this product, I realized my hair grew faster, thicker and felt stronger. I saw an increased decrease in the rate of breakage of my hair throughout the time I had been using this product.
3. Great Scent: The scent is sweet..I love it. I still can't pinpoint what exactly it smells like but it could pass for a flower scent.
4. Ease of Usage: It is solid at room temperature, but is very soft and melts as soon as your rub it on your fingers. It makes application very easy and a little goes a long way. Just as I use my oils, I just put a bit in my palm and apply it to my scalp with my fingertips. I make sure to complete my whole head with that little bit.
5. Lasts very long!! Imagine using a 150 gram jar of product for more than 5 months!! Yes, I used my first jar that long because you can use this product only once a week on your clean scalp and that's it. It still works perfectly. I never got to religiously using it more than once a week though I intended to do so with my subsequent jars if it was readily available. I realized I didn't need to. I however apply to my edges and nape as often times as I can in a week.
1. Very expensive: This may depend on each individual but this product is surely one to be classified as expensive especially here in Ghana for the average woman. But since I use this product more than 3 months, it is as worth it as the many bottles of regular and deep conditioners or oils I buy and use within the same 3 months.
2. No seal: I was disappointed that a product that expensive didn't come sealed or in a great-looking jar and label. Hmmmmm....I was worried about it being a fake. But soon, after making lots of enquiries and contacts in efforts to bring it to Ghana, both for personal use and for sale; I was happy to find that this product is not sold in shops or online. Only through a few agents in a few countries so it might be difficult to slip in fakes.
3. Scarcity: The biggest challenge is that though it is now available in Ghana for GHC 70, it is not as readily available as one would love it to be. The product has still not been officially launched in Ghana such that agents can be found easily. I currently know of only one agent in UK, who sends to Ghana to be sold through mini agents such as myself. Yes, though it is scarce, I am one of the people in Ghana from whom you can buy T444Z Hair Food. The awesomeness of this was really hard to refuse the offer to be a mini agent.
So the BIG question: Would I buy this product again?
ABSOLUTELY!! I would buy this product again and again and again. Indeed, I have established as many contacts as possible with agents in most of the countries where it is sold. This is the product I would say helped me get optimum hair growth in the first few months of my hair journey and 8 months forward, I still love the results I'm getting. My hair has definitely grown a lot from neck length; past shoulder length, feels stronger and healthier; and is much thicker than before.
Call or whatsapp 020 1979795 for more details. Happy T444Z Hair I am.
Which hair product is the most expensive staple in your stash?