Yes!! We did it!! We scored 10!! The meetup last Sunday was a great success!!
You all know how I can't hide it when I am excited, and I am jumping up and down * in my mind's eye* as I write this post and that makes it much harder to put my thoughts together and write everything I want to say. Hope the pictures tell the story better.
Registration time, and first 50 ladies got these goodies from ORS Ghana.
By 12:30pm there were about 15 ladies at the venue already and by 1:00pm, we were about 30. We started right on time and within an hour, the seats were all taken. We had 60 seats initially but as time went on, we had to add a few. We registered a total of 81 ladies. And there were more than 15 gentlemen who showed up to support us.
We had 3 talks on Tips for Growing Long Hair by GHlonghair, Beauty Inside Out: You are What You Eat by Esther, a Dietician from the Korle-Bu Teaching , and Home Recipe Making by Benedicta. There was a session for Mira, a relaxed hair blogger and Nana Ama, naturalista to share their hair stories and how their hair journeys have been.
Then we had a runway session where we met ladies at various stages of their hair journeys, we heard their hair stories and shared their regimen and products that they loved. We had demonstrations of hair care techniques such as prepooing, stretching relaxers, deep conditioning, wrapping hair, green house effect, inversion, and many more.
The workshops were just amazing. We divided the ladies into groups and had facilitators for each group. The discussions went on and on and on.....there was just so much to learn and share. With time running out, we had to end the workshops though the ladies wanted more.

Everyone participated to the full!Everyone had fun!! Everyone wanted more and more and more!!
And the juicy part, there were giveaways from AfroRiri Haircare, Honey Lane, Ghana Soap School and my good friend Ella. The most support I got was from my family and members of my whatsapp groups who supported and encouraged me everyday!! They said, "You can do this, let's do this"......and we did!!
# TeamHealthyHair!!
Many thanks goes to all the ladies and gentlemen who showed up, the vendors who came with wonderful products, and all who gave me wonderful feedback after it was all hour later than we scheduled. They just didn't want to leave, and neither did I....hahhahahahhahaha! Oh yes, there will be more meetups!!
Want the video? It's ready and I am uploading it on my Youtube Channel now!! Subscribe now for updates.
Thanks for reading!!